
Black beatles in the city
Black beatles in the city

black beatles in the city black beatles in the city

The Beatles ran through the motel lobby, into the laundry room and finally into their three-room suite, room 100. The police arrived and forced the fans aside, but as the limousine reversed it hit a Kenner Police Department escort car, causing slight damage. As their limousine neared the hotel, it was spotted by fans who quickly surrounded it. They were initially accompanied by a police motorcade, but became separated during the journey. The Beatles and their small entourage were driven to the Congress Inn. Captain Cooper diverted to the airport, and landed the aeroplane at Moisant Field, a secluded spot at the west end of the airfield. Limousines were arranged, but were driven to the wrong airport – New Orleans International. The helicopter, however, was grounded with a mechanical problem. A helicopter was to have taken the passengers directly to their hotel, the Congress Inn on Chef Menteur Highway. Captain Pres Cooper, the pilot of their charter aeroplane, an American Flyers Airline Lockheed 188 Electra, contacted New Orleans Lakefront Airport ahead of their landing. The Beatles had arrived in the early hours of the morning. They played before a capacity crowd of 12,000 at the City Park Stadium, and were in the city for less than 24 hours. This was The Beatles’ only concert in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Black beatles in the city